Which class is right for you?
Level 0Not at all familiar with firearms and probably slightly intimidated
Typical person that feels a need to know more and is willing to begin the education process SOLUTION: NRA Home Firearm Safety Course - $65 Teaches the basic knowledge and skills as well as the attitude necessary for safe handling and storage of guns in the home. 4 Hours Classroom 0 Range Time |
Level 1Owns a firearm but does not feel confident in everyday use
Fired less than 100 rounds in the past year Wants to be more comfortable in the handling and storage SOLUTION: NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course - $125 knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to owning and using a using a pistol safely by performing shooting drills on the range. 4 Hours Classroom 4 Hours Range 200 Rounds |
Security Guard
One on One or Group Session
Advanced Handgun - $125
Cover & concealment techniques. Drawing and engaging multiple targets at varying distances. 4- Hours Range Time |